Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Defender: DooM II Wad

Here's my Doom II Wad, entitled "The Defender!"

All information about this Wad is included in the text file that comes with the download.

Just a few things to note though:

 1) You need a source port like ZDoom, GZDoom, or something similar to run this Wad and you obviously need the original DooM II Wad in your folder with the port.

2) This Wad is pretty typical and made for fun... don't expect some amazing new features and enhancements. There are some custom textures for the walls and floors as well as new music... some from Underworld! Otherwise, not much else.

3) It can be pretty tough so save often! :P 

The Defender cover art

Some screenshots:

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Defender screenshot

The Story:

It is the distant future and much has changed in the world. Technology has greatly advanced over the years to the point where phenomena such as space travel and colonizing distant worlds and moons has become a reality. Many have embraced this world and its advancements, however a couple of bitter former instructors code named L.W.G. and B.B.G. (no, these are not their initials or anything...) from your school have in the wrong way. They have grown bitter over the years with how things have been rapidly advancing and they believe the technology has made people too arrogant and stupid, that it has made school a worse place to learn because nobody took them seriously and so forth. Ironically, they too have been up to date with the technology to the point that they even integrated parts of their beings within technology and it has only amplified their anger and bitterness over the years. Things became worse recently as they have been exploring various teleportation experiments and one day... they teleported into a dark, obscure, and hellish realm called The Netherworld. It is there that they truly went insane and set out to enslave all to their will. Word has it that they formed an unholy alliance with the Lord of The Netherworld where in exchange for the advanced technology of L.W.G. and nearly endless amounts of resources of B.B.G. as well as the production of legions of brainwashed cloned human super-super soldiers, that they will be able to control the vast legions of hellish monsters that inhabit The Netherworld... Together banding with the brainwashed cloned human super-soldiers, the alliance set out to annihilate the Earth's defense forces and enslave all to their twisted will. It is possible that B.B.G. and L.W.G. even corrupted The Lord of The Netherworld itself to do their bidding in secret. So they carefully set out to prepare the invasion forces by establishing secret bases throughout various parts of the galaxy including taking over a Saturn compound where B.B.G.'s forces will be coordinated, a secret base on the moon where a lot of the cloning will take place in addition to horrific experiments on living creatures. They slowly began to move in their forces and advanced black - monolithic teleporters onto Earth that would bring countless hordes of invaders through at any given time. And shortly then... all hell broke loose!!! The invaders absolutely devastated many areas of the Earth, especially your home-town where L.W.G. and B.B.G. intended to make as their ruling base... the former school! You and your friend were aware of this danger for some time now so you went into hiding while the ensuring chaos took hold and after a few days, you both decided to split ways in order to save time on finding food, weapons, and ammunition. You only managed to find a weak pistol and could not afford to waste any more time out there as the invaders have practically taken over your home town now. While they are still very focused on fighting the Earth's defense forces who have surprisingly managed to hold their own against the invaders for now, but they are slowly closing in as they are constantly being reinforced by the teleporters and a mysterious cargo ship on the outskirts of Canada. You have recently hidden in the dormitory of your former school and have waited for your friend to return, but he never did... To make matters worse, a platoon of monsters and soldiers is right outside the dorms... taking any survivors prisoner and killing anybody who dares to resist and now they are right in the dorm scouting the area... you can hear them right outside the door! You hide behind the bed and load your pistol and take aim as two soldiers walk into the room...

Behind the Doom - Q and A:

 Q: What inspired this?
A: I've been playing Doom since I was five years old! I had the shareware version on an old computer back then. Some time went by and I didn't have the game until I found a copy in a store in 2005 and I got into it harder than ever! And it was around then I started browsing around for more information on Doom and that's when I learned you can edit Doom to make your own Wads which is absolutely fucking awesome! I have tried time and time again to do something with Doom, but the most I could ever do back then was make a few rooms, change textures, move things or change their line/height/lighting or whatever, and of course add things to the maps. I didn't even know how to make a door work until right before I started creating The Defender in the Fall of 2012. I've kept up with Doom over the years even as I have been primarily focused on my solo projects and such, but I never thought to do anything of my own with Doom because I didn't think I was capable of really learning how to make a legitimate map with things like doors, switches, lifts, and of course with custom features such as new textures and music. In the summer of 2012 that all changed when I was finally able to find some great tutorials online and become familiar with some great tools to help me do this, so of course I was going to at least attempt to make my own Wad after all these years!!!

Of course there's also the whole story behind The Defender which I tried to make my own unique story not even related to Doom except the fact that it was made to be as a Doom game so it obviously features all of the graphics, textures, monsters, and everything else from Doom, but I'd like to pretend that the world itself doesn't actually take place in the Doom universe (I'll get further into this soon).

Q: What did you use to make your Wad?
A: It's all mentioned in the text file, but I used DoomBuilder II and XWE. I've been familiar with and have used DoomBuilder since 2005 and have tried to use it again in 2012, but it literally kept freezing my computer so just as I was about to give up my Doom mapping plans yet again... I gave it one last shot and decided to try Doom Builder II. I was very skeptical at first wondering that it would just be the same problems and I wouldn't get far with this at all. Next thing I know, it exceeded my expectations and I actually started to make new maps from scratch and they were doing great!

Q: Why is the sky tiled? It looks bad...
A: My apologies for this... If I ever find a way to make the sky stretch all the way through without tiling, I will definitely work on it and probably release an updated version of my Wads with that, but until then there's not much I can do about it. I'm sorry if this hinders the experience for anybody, but it really shouldn't be too much of an issue... the sky is just there to add to the atmosphere of the levels and hopefully it still does to some extent.

Q: Why are you posting this here? What does it have to do with your projects?
A: Everything! Why did Azordon have tracks called "Doom" and "Quake?" What were those little references to? Why is it that when I make music for Mystic Underworld, I always think to myself... "I wonder if this would make a decent track to play in the background of a Doom level?" And some of my tracks have been used and I think they go pretty well with the game and atmosphere! Anyways, I'm posting this here because I can... I doubt anyone gives a shit, but maybe someone who likes Doom will find it and download it and get something out of it... same as my music. And who knows? Maybe I'll introduce some Doomers to my music or something as well.

Q: Are you going to submit your Wad to any websites so they can review/promote it?
A: I think about it sometimes, but I wouldn't really bother with it. Some of those sites seem very picky and probably have high standards for how good Wads should be made and in no way do I consider myself to be a great mapper/editor... same with my music, I never really considered myself a great artist or anything. I'm just some guy making stuff just because I can and for fun and never took it too seriously. That's why I never promote anything I do too much and why don't want to deal with annoying recrod labels/distros and so forth.
However, if anybody actually enjoys my Wad and would like to promote it on their website or submit it to one of those large Wad archive sites or something, than by all means go for it! :)

Q: Why did you call your Wad "The Defender?"
A: I couldn't really think of anything better honestly... I just called it "CustomGame.Wad" until the very end when in the final stages of editing. Then it just kind of came out of nowhere and I figured since the basic idea of the game was the player defending the Earth from the invasion forces so I figured I'd just call it that. 

Q: What inspired the story?
A: My friend and I from school basically... about a year before I made this Wad, I remember we had silly ideas about making some game where an invasion force takes over our former school and we had to stop them, then of course we added two of our most memorable instructors as the main villains... not because we hated or were making fun of them or anything, but just because we thought it would be funny and we just wanted to be creative pretty much. Of course as the levels progressed, I added my own spins on the game just going along with how the levels were and I think it's quite a bizarre and fun story. I think it's great this came about too because there's really no way I would ever want to make a typical Doom Wad with either no story or just the same old "Demons from hell have returned after the UAC did something so now you have to stop them bla bla bla..." Not to say that there's anything wrong with that at all, it's just that it's been done to death and I had my own ideas for a story I wanted to make, I used Doom as the method of telling the story. It really wouldn't make much difference of what game I actually used for the story, whether I made a custom Quake, Heretic, Hexen, Star Wars, etc. Although of course it would be harder with some worlds like in Star Wars since there's already a whole world out there set in its place so it would be hard to imagine Imperial Stormtroopers as L.W.G.'s soldiers or something like that (although I actually did use Imperial Stormtrooper sprites for The Defender III haha!), but it works great with Doom because the game is a lot more simple.

Q: What does "L.W.G." and "B.B.G." stand for?
A: Little White Guy and Big Black Guy. They are complimentary acronyms to describe our instructors. Back at school, my friend at the time and I gave nicknames or codenames for just about everyone we knew at school. As I mentioned, we thought it would be a funny random story if the two decided to form an alliance and take over the world where we had to stop them. Also... sub-consciously I must have created this Wad with this plot as a way of destroying the whole BBG meme that had become completely old, tired, and outdated by the end of 2013; this was a consensus with the E.A. This is the absolute perfect way of killing off the character as well as LWG. Also a great way of moving on from school I guess.

Q: Any other Wads that inspired you?
A: Yes! I've played a few Wads over the years and I know that some of them always stood out to me, particularly MarsWar, Biowar, and Hell Revealed II. I really liked a lot of the environments those Wads put you into like the futuristic tech bases in MarsWar and the music that went along with it! The story in the text file that comes with the Wad is also fun and original which I always loved! It also uses the Doom game, but has nothing to do with the Doom story since it's basically about a Martian Terraformer defending Mars from an Earth invasion led by an evil force of mutated humans and monsters instead of demons from hell. Although the game does get into Hell, but a different kind of Hell... an I.T.-related Hell hahahaha!

Q: Will there be sequels and other projects in the future?
A: Of course! I've created the sequel for some time now and it should be done very soon! Originally, there was supposed be two separate, but related Wads for this story because I got my friend at the time into Doom-building as well, but he hasn't really done anything and was never as into Doom (or FPS games in general) and Doom-Building in general... He just made a few silly maps featuring gigantic and miss-proportioned rooms in an attempt to recreate his house and whatever. Our original idea was that his Wad would take on L.W.G. while mine would take on B.B.G., but since I finished The Defender and was so passionate about this while he hardly did anything significant with his game or story, I figured I would continue my story as it would branch off into its own version where my Wad would end up taking on L.W.G. anyways. Assuming his Wad never existed and his character in the main story gets killed in the fight against BBG and LWG (I guess he saw BBG... har har.) As far as other Wads are concerned... I'll make them if I have good ideas and the time, dedication, and motivation for them. So far I have made:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Mystic Underworld: II

Mystic Underworld 2 Front Cover
Underworld II:
  1. Skyscrapers in the Distance
  2. Static Portal
  3. Imperializer
  4. Vector
  5. The Harvester Underground
  6. The Underworld++
  7. A Vastland of Smog and Steel

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mystic Underworld

Mystic Underworld Front Cover
Mystic Underworld:
  1. The Forgotten Plague
  2. Urban Decay
  3. Mazes of Pipes
  4. MarsWar Map 04 (Cover)
  5. Fungi
  6. The Sewers
  7. Waste Disposal
  8. Lurking Within these Dark and Lifeless Tunnels
  9. The Underworld